Friday, February 6, 2009

Some Videos that Explain Some of the Numbers from December (jobs and foodstamps)

Joblessness and Food Stamps for December....

Jobless Numbers released in December....

October 7th,2008 Reuters Video explains the Economy Shifts....

October 2008 Unemployement Lines...


Annette said...

It breaks my heart and I could just scream when I hear the rethugs say lets slow down.. lets wait.. for what.. another million or so to be out of work... what idiots.

Fran said...

1 in 10 on food stamps! I was unaware of that statistic. Interesting point on the unemployed being underreported as well as that grey zone-- people taking low paying part time jobs- now showing up as "employed", but not employed enough to make ends meet.

I figured it is really is worse than the numbers show.

It makes me all the more pissed off Bush slunked* away with his fat pension & thumbed his wealth by buying the $2 million dollar home, plus his 1600 acre ranch & 100,000 acres in Paraguay.

* I don't know if "slunked" is actually a word, kind of like slithered and skunked combined. Hey if the ex pres can make up words, so can I.

In any case, it pisses me off.

He ruined this country, and now he's flaunting his war profiteer wealth.
When does his karma kick in??????

enigma4ever said...

when does his fucking karma kick in ????
the Titannical Regime is over....but we are all treading water....

yeah...the food stamp stat might actually be even higher....most of the people I work with are on foodstamps....