Do go read this post all about How you can help and get involved...And why we as Bloggers need to do this....It's a great idea that will really help so many that are hurting right now....Check out it out.
( I am working on this because here in Ohio, 24 % of the children here are Hungry, and that does not count the kids that normally would get two meals a day at school, now that the school year is over they will be without those two meal a day. Also where I work it is not uncommon to see Elderly buying catfood and paying with change....I strongly believe that taking care of each other is the greatest form of patriotism...and yes, it is true that the Tea Baggers are planning Activities for the Fourth of yes, this would be a more positive action for that day....kind of honoring that "Community Organizing" side of America, eh ???....namaste.)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
ForeClosure Update....Numbers released for May 2009....
I live in the Foreclosure in Cleveland the numbers are staggering...and in my hood you can walk by the empty abandoned houses and the local community leaders have been having meetings about is more than depressing.My hood in particular usually has alot of college and grad students, but the last six monthes many left....and fall will reveal how many can afford school in fall, or have moved home for school.
Click the title for the Reuters update on Spring Numbers....
Click the title for the Reuters update on Spring Numbers....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
End of April Update on the Month....

I feel badly that I have not updated Economic issues well enough this past month. I was blogging on Watergate Summer, mostly about Torture and War Crimes and yes, the Swine Flu. I do worry a great deal about the Swine Flu because it poses a huge Health Challenge as more than 50 Million people in this country lack Health Care due to no Health Insurance. So Economically this Outbreak has great implications. This week the WHO Director, Dr.Margaret Chan expressed her concerns about the Impoverished in the world that are at risk, I do wonder if Americans ever considered that includes people in our Country. I do encourage that you take a look at my Swine Flu Blog, as it covers the Outbreak in great details since the news first broke only one week ago. Sadly I cover Human Rights Issues which also includes such things as Torture and Health Emergencies. But the Economy has remained on my radar, especially related to this current Health Emergency.
The Outbreak has been traced to the largest Hog Farm in Mexico, it raises many questions about Hog Waste Practices and Hygiene.The Mexican information has been more difficult to trace, but in many ways this is because the number of people with access to care has been limited to those that can afford care. It does raise many questions as to why the Mexican response has been more severe ( as of last weekend 2000 sick, over 300 testing postive, and 159 dead). So far as of today in the States, 141 confirmed cases, atleast 7 hospitalized, and one death ( of a Mexican toddler in Texas).
I am also very concerned about the Strained American Health Care System. Most people are not aware that Bush cut Billions per year from Teaching Hospital Budgets, 39 Billion his last year in office. When he did this it effected Services that many of these hospitals could offer from ER Services to Screening and Labratory Services. DHHS needs to review What Most states and Most Public Health Facilities can offer to the Public. For example: All the Viral Tests ( swabs) that are being done at this time, sent to State Labs and then on to Atlanta, this is costly, and the States and the State Hospitals have to absorb alot of that cost. This is just one example of What can drive costs and effect Care.
Enigma's Swine Flu Update Blog
Watergate Summer , my main blog,covers all relevant Life Issues, Human Rights to Health to Economic Issues....
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

From Channel 3::::
CLEVELAND -- Health officials announced Tuesday afternoon that the Remote Area Medical or "RAM" Ohio event planned for this upcoming weekend has been cancelled.The "RAM" Ohio event was expected to draw thousands of people without health insurance to the Berea Fairgrounds to receive free medical, dental, and vision care.The Ohio Department of Health recommended the event be cancelled due to concerns over the swine flu outbreak. The Cuyahoga County Board of Health is backing the ODH's decision.
The event has been postponed indefinitely but organizers say it will be rescheduled once the swine flu outbreak dissipates....
I was going to work this Event this weekend, as it has been planned here for monthes, and publicized because there are millions here in Ohio without HealthCare, and it is an event that was planned to offer medical and dental care to those in need. It was to be held at Fairgrounds, 2000 Health Care Volunteers,including nurses and doctors had donated services and thousands were expected to show for care. ( I was also planning to report on the event and post on it with photos and videos, but mostly I am sad as many here are in need of this event. I know it will be rescheduled for a safer date- and this is a prudent action.)
Monday, April 20, 2009
"It Is what is it is" the Hidden Goodbye Message....
*( I posted this over on Watergate Summer 4.15.09 about Someone that I work with that died rather suddenly, I do think economic stress and a lack of affordable healthcare contributed to his death.... )*

Two nights ago I dedicated to " Sailing" to a Friend , a coworker from the market who was suddenly taken away. I dedicated it because we had joked about the Damn Long Winter and The Need for Spring, and he said he wanted to get out on a boat and get some Fishing Done on Lake Erie.It was just a couple of weeks ago. We were the same age, we would run into each other in the basement humming The Oldies. And then there was the last Sunday before Easter, it was bitter cold, hell it even snowed. And people at work were grouchy. I snapped at my manager, said that the Older Workers are not appreciated, I didn't mean to, and I felt bad about it, said I was sorry later. But working without Heat has gotten to me, my patience is as chapped as my hands.I went down to the basement grinding my teeth, mumbling, and I ran into the Vegetable Man- he too was in a heavy mood. His eyes were red and he looked very tired. I asked if he was Okay, He mumbled he was fine as moved some boxes out of the way. I said " really what is wrong ?"
" Ahhh, it's just more Stuff...Can't fix Everything, It is What it Is .."
He shook his head and stomped away....I nodded silently. And he walked off in a quiet fury...and I went back upstairs to work.
The quiet vegetable man that was trying to tell me something...and maybe I really had not heard him...well enough.Did he even know I heard him...that I was listening.
Later, I was upstairs and I heard that he got into a continued altercation with some of the workers, and that he left work fuming.....But what happened next I did not know until this week.
He went down to the Bus Stop...and there waiting for the bus, he had a stroke...He never woke up or spoke again.
And then this week, after Easter, he died.....All of those unresolved issues still lingering in the basement. And that last Conversation hangs in my head like an unfinished painting....For him, there will be no Spring, No More Fishing Trips on the Lake.....It Is What It Is.
Appreciate the time you have ....and those around you. Take care of those around you...

Two nights ago I dedicated to " Sailing" to a Friend , a coworker from the market who was suddenly taken away. I dedicated it because we had joked about the Damn Long Winter and The Need for Spring, and he said he wanted to get out on a boat and get some Fishing Done on Lake Erie.It was just a couple of weeks ago. We were the same age, we would run into each other in the basement humming The Oldies. And then there was the last Sunday before Easter, it was bitter cold, hell it even snowed. And people at work were grouchy. I snapped at my manager, said that the Older Workers are not appreciated, I didn't mean to, and I felt bad about it, said I was sorry later. But working without Heat has gotten to me, my patience is as chapped as my hands.I went down to the basement grinding my teeth, mumbling, and I ran into the Vegetable Man- he too was in a heavy mood. His eyes were red and he looked very tired. I asked if he was Okay, He mumbled he was fine as moved some boxes out of the way. I said " really what is wrong ?"
" Ahhh, it's just more Stuff...Can't fix Everything, It is What it Is .."
He shook his head and stomped away....I nodded silently. And he walked off in a quiet fury...and I went back upstairs to work.
The quiet vegetable man that was trying to tell me something...and maybe I really had not heard him...well enough.Did he even know I heard him...that I was listening.
Later, I was upstairs and I heard that he got into a continued altercation with some of the workers, and that he left work fuming.....But what happened next I did not know until this week.
He went down to the Bus Stop...and there waiting for the bus, he had a stroke...He never woke up or spoke again.
And then this week, after Easter, he died.....All of those unresolved issues still lingering in the basement. And that last Conversation hangs in my head like an unfinished painting....For him, there will be no Spring, No More Fishing Trips on the Lake.....It Is What It Is.
Appreciate the time you have ....and those around you. Take care of those around you...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
About the HUD Dollar Homes...the Truth : LA Times Investigation..
Mercury News has more on this
These two articles expose that the HUD program is quite a sham, and raises some real questions.
These two articles expose that the HUD program is quite a sham, and raises some real questions.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Story on ABC News tonight about Increase in Squatting Across the Country....Do Watch, and I will post the link...thanks
Click the title or try this link to the 2nd story on Squatters...This is about Squatters retaking their Homes and Neighborhood Homes....Know this, in Europe in many Countries Squatters are not considered illegal- they care for properties and keep them safe and clean, and prevent Vandals.( In some countries they leave power and water in Squatted Properties- so the properties can be upkept).
Take a look at the Squatters Handbook....
More on a London Squatting Situation ? that we could learn from .....
Story from LA Blogger about Foreclosures in LA invite Squatters....
Take a look at the Squatters Handbook....
More on a London Squatting Situation ? that we could learn from .....
Story from LA Blogger about Foreclosures in LA invite Squatters....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
WOW, Turn it on...Amaazing....He said his website is "we-got-ed-dot-com" ( let me know if you find it).....He is focusing on Healthcare, Un-Insured, the Struggle of the Middle Class, and Education and Why it matters....Holy Cow....Pat Buchanon's Head must have exploded somewhere tonight...or Lou Dobbs must be gasping for Air...First Guest - Union
First Quote of the Night:
" Conservatives are SELFISH about Healthcare"....( Ahhhhh, music to my little ears...)
First Quote of the Night:
" Conservatives are SELFISH about Healthcare"....( Ahhhhh, music to my little ears...)
Homelessness Updates for April : Rapid Rises in Lower Middle Income Families Effected.......

From the USA article today :
"Cities and counties are reporting a sharp increase in homeless families as the economic crisis leads to job loss and makes housing unaffordable.In Seattle, 40% more people are living on suburban streets. In Miami, calls from people with eviction notices have quadrupled."The demand from families with children has increased dramatically," says Robert Hess of New York City's Department of Homeless Services. Each month since September, shelter requests have been at least 20% higher than they were a year ago.The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires a one-day count in January of people living on the street, in shelters or in transitional housing. National figures have not been compiled."
** ( Okay- someone will have to explain to me WHY the DHHS only does ONE ONE Day Count ??? I do know in the Beginning of January I went to the DHHS website for Information on Homelessness- and there was ONLY one page- and NO Stats had been updated since....wait for it.....yes, the 2000 Census....So that means that NO ONE has Counted Real People- the Homeless for NINE years.....)****
Of 56 places where figures were available, 35 reported an increase in homelessness; 12 had a drop.
***** ( For anyone that reads about Shelter Numbers, remember these are numbers of those at the Shelters, what we really need is how many are turned away.)****
FIND MORE STORIES IN: Boston | Seattle | Phoenix | Los Angeles | Minneapolis | Urban Development | Miami-Dade County |
"People who were on the edge can't hold on anymore," says Cathy ten Broeke homelessness project coordinator in Minneapolis and Hennepin County. She says 1,251 families sought emergency shelter last year, up from 1,032 in 2007.
• In Chicago, calls to a homelessness prevention hotline were 59% higher in February than a year earlier, says Nancy Radner, head of the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness. "We're getting requests from people earning more than $30,000 a year, even $65,000. That's unprecedented."
• In Los Angeles, 620 families used the winter shelter program this winter, compared with 330 families a year earlier, manager David Martel says.
• In the Phoenix area, 230 people in families were living on the street in January; there were 49 a year ago. There were 139 children younger than 18 living on the street on their own, according to the Maricopa Association of Governments.
• In Miami-Dade County, the number of people calling for help after getting an eviction notice jumped from 1,000 in 2007 to 4,000 last year, David Raymond of the county's Homeless Trust says. "We've beefed up our prevention efforts," he says, so fewer people become homeless.
• In the Seattle area, street homelessness increased 2% overall but 40% in the suburbs, where the number living in cars rose from 229 last year to 339, homelessness project director Bill Block says.
****** ( Seattle is where the Mayor has been less than gracious about Homeless Issues and harsh on the Tent Cities, so they now name they Nickelsville's to honor his "compassion" )****
Friday, April 3, 2009
Walgreens to start offering Healthcare...finally a real solution for those without Health Insurance and real healthcare....

This Snippet from the Huffpost article:::
"The program is expected to last through the end of 2009. Walgreen runs 341 Take Care clinics in 35 markets around the country, including Chicago, Atlanta, Miami and Cleveland.Free services will be offered only from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Walgreen said it will not offer free checkups, vaccinations or other injections because it is focusing on providing services patients might otherwise get at an urgent-care center or even an emergency room.Patients must present proof they are unemployed, including a federal or state unemployment determination letter and an unemployment check stub. They will have to sign a form at the clinic saying they have lost their jobs and health benefits. If they find a new job or get new health insurance, they will no longer be eligible for free care.Spouses and children are also eligible for free services if they don't have insurance of their own.Medical lab operator Quest Diagnostics is participating in the program by offering free tests for step throat and urinary tract infections."
So if you are working and don't have Insurance it looks like you can also go for care or for simple prescription refills. If you need more information , this is the number you can call to find a Take Care Clinic near you Please call us at 1-866-Take-Care (1-866-825-3227).
I am hoping this idea spreads across the country and that more pharmacies do this to help people and provide more service and care, it makes sense that people will come and are needing care. Sometime people can not afford both the Doctor Appointment or the Meds.
Wednesday Morning Update 4.1.09
So I called the Take Care Line, and it turns out that the Care they are offering is ONLY for people that have recently been laid off or lost their healthcare, or health insurance through being laid off, and have been patients at Take Care PRIOR to March 31st. I did suggest that perhaps they should think on expanding coverage to OTHERS that are are Uninsured and or Underinsured but working. She said that there are "policies" that won't allow that. I also tried to locate care for Downtown Cleveland Residents- but it turns out the "clinics" are ONLY the suburbs, NONE are in Downtown Cleveland.
Frontline episode this week on Healthcare in America: " Sick Around America"
It covers Healthcare or lack of it around the Country, and how it is effecting so many. It is a Crisis.Click the Title to watch Online Episodes. Our Health Care System is beyond Broken, and people are suffering across the Country, those with Insurance as well as the 58 Million UnInsured and the Millions that are Under-Insured.Preview Below.
Food Stamp Numbers Jump to 31.8 Million....( click title for more Reuters article)

One of my jobs, besides Nursing.... is at a local market.....late at night many more men are coming to shop and they use their food stamps and look about furtively, hoping not to run into neighbors or previous co-workers. Most are dads, and are still learning their way about the store. I tell them what is on sale and where the special treats are like produce and bakery goods. Other times it is the elderly that come and they bring change bundled or a coffee can of change, I encourage them to get Food Stamps and give them the phone number and address....and yeah, sometimes I "lend" them change...And other nights it is young parents looking for Bread, Milk and Cheese on sale....and I remind them that Bananas are on sale.
And over the past few months our Manager has been keeping watch and making changes. He now is sure to set up Dollar Sales and 99 Cent Sales and feature them...He has put more produce and meat and milk on sale.And he helped organize a Food Bank drive and this week he came to me and handed out copies of the Free Campground Healthcare Fair.....He too has seen the faces and eyes of those coming in to the store....One in Ten is getting Food Assistance...and there are more that need it.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
742,000 Jobs lost in March....( Revised February total was 706,000)

(Reuters) –" Job losses in the U.S. private sector accelerated in March, more than economists' expectations, according to a report by ADP Employer Services on Wednesday.Private employers cut jobs by a record 742,000 in March versus a 706,000 revised cut in February that was originally reported at 697,000 jobs, said ADP, which has been carrying out the survey since 2001.
The big drop foreshadows a huge decline in the non-farm payroll reading in the government's employment report that will be released on Friday, some analysts said."
Meanwhile Cantor says that Dems are over-reacting to the Economic Crisis.....
Another point that needs to be made- think of the 2.5 Million that have been Laid Off in the past few monthes- they don't have Health Insurance or Healthcare at this Critical Juncture in their lives, and that really means that now our UnInsured Numbers are actually over 50 Million....the Entire Population of Canada....
Tent City Update; This Concerns Forced Evictions at Ontario California Tent City ( one of the largest)
This 4 minute video gives the History of Ontario Tent City, actually many residents were encouraged to go there by authorities when Other Shelters were Full....then click the article- it updates that Forced Evictions have started there. ( just like Sacramento).
It is sad that we actually need to really examine these Camps and the situations that are involved, people that have been evicted now face forced eviction from the Ontario Tent City, when this has been their home and their community when they already lost their homes....Wouldn't it be better to accept these "campgrounds "and provide structure for those that are there ( ie plumbing and water) , then to evict them ? Where are they to go ? they ended up there due to an overloaded Shelter System.
It is sad that we actually need to really examine these Camps and the situations that are involved, people that have been evicted now face forced eviction from the Ontario Tent City, when this has been their home and their community when they already lost their homes....Wouldn't it be better to accept these "campgrounds "and provide structure for those that are there ( ie plumbing and water) , then to evict them ? Where are they to go ? they ended up there due to an overloaded Shelter System.
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